


Availability: 8 in stock.

THE PROBLEM: Protein powders that are low in quality, contain fat-inducing maltodextrin, taste horrible, require a blender to mix properly and contain only one very fast-acting protein. No doubt that most of these products are cheap, but who wants to gag something down day after day that’s neither convenient nor beneficial?


THE SOLUTION: Matrix® protein powders. Staying away from cheap, inferior protein sources, such as denatured...

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Type Protein

THE PROBLEM: Protein powders that are low in quality, contain fat-inducing maltodextrin, taste horrible, require a blender to mix properly and contain only one very fast-acting protein. No doubt that most of these products are cheap, but who wants to gag something down day after day that’s neither convenient nor beneficial?


THE SOLUTION: Matrix® protein powders. Staying away from cheap, inferior protein sources, such as denatured sodium and calcium caseinate, Matrix® uses only the highest-quality ingredients, such as ultrafiltered, rBST-free, grass-fed whey protein, undenatured micellar casein, native egg white protein and glutamine peptides. The costs are much higher, but the rewards are significant. These proteins not only taste great, but they are unmatched in their ability to improve overall health as well as build critical bodily tissues and processes.


To make Matrix® the best product in the industry, we knew that its taste had to be number one. After countless trials, we arrived at several delicious flavors that are pure ecstasy to consume.


Completing our solution to the problem, Matrix® is thoroughly instantized so that every scoop dissolves perfectly in your favorite beverage. No more disgusting clumps or blenders that dirty your kitchen…with Matrix®, you only need a spoon!

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Donec non est at libero vulputate rutrum. Morbi ornare lectus quis justo gravida semper. Nulla tellus mi, vulputate adipiscing cursus eu, suscipit id nulla.

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